Addiction ?




Images... !



I know this person in real life. With a bright mind, dry humour and highly talented with computers, after all, if it's your job... Gives me tips, ideas, helps. Views net world with 16 colours, no frames and 480x640... not anymore. As of July 23, 1998. We sort of adopted him to the real world *s*


I know this person in virtual life. With a bright and crazy mind, highly creative with DTP software, after all, if it's your job... Gives me tips, ideas, helps. Views net world with every available fancy equipment.


Took me exactly 41 days to switch from writing pages for view-net-life option A to writing pages for option B. Personally, I would call this an effect, I guess. Though I still wonder about the cause. The nearest I came up with so far is addiction *g*     -June '98-